Welcome to the Moments by Missy Photography blog! Here you'll be able see favorites from recent sessions, learn whats new at the studio and get to know us on a more personal level. Feel free to leave some LOVE (comments)...we love love!Please feel free to shoot us an e-mail if you have any questions! Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, May 9

Celebrate Mother's Day

I LOVE my job as a photographer...but more than anything, I love my job as a MOM. And I think that ALL mothers are BEAUTIFUL because mothers raise and nuture the future...that is a BIG responsibility! So God had to make mothers extra strong to carry the weight of that responsibility, but He also had to make us tender enough to kiss boo boos. He had to make us so we could manage a household, manage a job and manage dinner. Mothers are not just "moms", we are also taxi drivers, hair dressers and counselors. Mothers come in all different shapes and sizes and colors. Just like snowflakes, no two mothers are exactly the same but ALL mothers are BEAUTIFUL. There are new mothers, experienced mothers, grandmothers, step mothers, expecting mothers...and I want to CELEBRATE all of you...

So, I am going to run my first STUDIO SPECIAL and its going to be JUST FOR MOMS. If you are a mom, you are so important and so special that your life deserves to be documented. From now through June, I am offering you a FREE photoshoot...that's right! A FREE PHOTOSHOOT to capture you with those who made you a MOM.

Call me for details or to set up YOUR session...you must mention that you read my blog to take advantage of the studio special :) I am honored to preserve a part of your legacy. I hope you have a FABULOUS MOTHER'S DAY...its all about celebrating YOU!

This is my mom. She is still the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I love you so much, Mom! (and I didn't have to photoshop this picture because you're beautiful the way you are!)

These are the two precious souls who have made me a Mom. I love you both more than you know.



Carolann said...

That is so beautiful Missy, I am so excited to experience this new feeling and position of being a mother in the next few days! You are an amazing mommy!!!! Love the pics!!! Hope ur Mothers Day was amazing!

~ Dawn ~ said...

GREAT idea! I love them... the one of you and your mother is wonderful!

xoxoxo ~Lori said...

Beautiful pics!!! I can't wait til we meet up again! :)